When you purchase web hosting from L5DG you are truly getting the best bang for your Internet buck! We offer several of the Internet’s most popular applications as one-click installation processes making almost anyone an overnight Internet webmaster. You do not need the expertise of a seasoned webmaster with L5DG web hosting; you can be up and running on your own website in a matter of minutes with one-click installation ease available with all of our web hosting packages. Several programs, scripts and services are available with L5DG web hosting packages, but here are some of our most requested and popular one-click installation programs ready for your use:
One Click WordPress installation.
The Internet has never been the same since the introduction on the web’s most powerful content management system, WordPress. WordPress is a semantic personal publishing platform (i.e., blog) with a focus on aesthetics, Web standards, and usability. It supports multiple users, static pages, categories, comments, bookmarks, RSS feed syndication, several APIs, a bountiful amount of powerful plug-ins, and weblogs. WordPress is powerful and priceless especially at the low, low cost of free! With millions of users around the world and thousands of supporters, programmers, and application programmers, WordPress CMS is making improvements, changes, and impacts every single day on the Internet for its users. All L5DG Web Hosting packages come with one-click WordPress installation. Available for Linux and Windows web server hosting packages; requirements: MYSQL 5.0, PHP 5.1 or PHP 4.3.
Joomla! is one of the most powerful Open Source Content Management Systems (CMS) on the planet and it’s been around for years, learning what its users want, need and enjoy and deploying those desires into its powerful CMS used to render millions of websites all over the world wide web. It is used all over the world for everything from simple websites to complex corporate applications. Joomla! is easy to install, simple to manage, and reliable. As an open source CMS, Joomla is easily customizable to fit your needs with little or no previous experience necessary to publish your personal pages, company profile or an online store for any size business. Like most other CMS programs, Joomla is geared toward the common Internet user making it possible to have a website without the ongoing expense of a full-time webmaster or programmer. If Joomla is the right CMS for you, then L5DG is the right web hosting solution for you too with our one-click Joomla installation. Available for Linux and Windows web server hosting packages; web hosting plan requirements include MYSQL 4.1 or MYSQL 5.0, and PHP 5.1
Zen Cart
Zen Cart
Zen Cart is a free to use, open source, and powerful e-commerce shopping cart. While the term user-friendly is too oft an aggravation or oxymoron, Zen Cart truly is user-friendly, easy to use, and best of all – free! Zen Cart software has been developed by a group of like-minded shop owners, programmers, designers, and consultants that think e-commerce could be and should be done differently – easily, free and productively. Zen Cart is available in Windows or Linux web hosting packages as a one-click installation – launch a website and an e-commerce shopping site in no time with one click installs from L5DG web hosting. Requires PHP 5.1, MYSQL 4.1 or 5.0.
Simple Machine Community Forum Software
Simple Machines Forum
Simple Machines Forum allows for the quick, one-click installation of a powerful, easy to use, free, and supported community forum. With one-click installation ease at L5DG web hosting, you can easily, quickly and freely set up a community based forum and website in a matter of minutes. This professional grade software powerfully delivers for free what like programs cannot produce at an expense. Its powerful custom made template engine puts you in full control of the lay-out of your message board and with our unique SSI – or Server Side Includes – function you can let your forum and your website interact with each other.